Technical Information

Torque Requirements

Check torque values after ‘Break In’ period of approximately 1000 to 3000 miles (1600 to 4800Km) and annually thereafter.
Component Torque (ft-lb) Torque (Nm)
Quick-Align pivot bolt connection fabricated type 505-595  685-807
Quick-Align pivot bolt connection parabolic type 410-445 550-600
Shock Absorber Bolts 315  425
U-Bolt Nuts 445-480 600-650
Upper Air Spring Nuts 44-52  60-70
Lower Air Spring Nuts 170-185 230-250
Brake Chamber Mounting Nuts 100-110  136-149
S-Cam Support Bearing Mounting Nut 35-45  47-61
Check Condition of Airbags Weekly
Check Trailing Arms for stress cracks Monthly
Check torque values after ‘Break In’period of approximately 1000 to 3000 miles (1600 to 4800Km) and annually thereafter.
Component Torque (ft-lb) Torque (Nm)
Quick-Align pivot bolt (M24x3P, 8.8) 442  600
Shock Absorber Bolts (M14x2P, 8.8) 84  115
U-Bolt Nuts (5/8″UNF, Grade 8) 120  163
Upper Air Spring Nuts (3/4″UNC, Grade 5) 100  135
Lower Air Spring Nuts (3/8″UNC, Grade 5) 26  35
Lower Air Sping Bracket Bolt (M10x1.5P, 10.9) 48  65
Brake Chamber Mounting Nut 100-110  136-149
S-Cam Support Bearing Mounting Nut 35-45  47-61
Check Condition of Airbags Weekly
Check Trailing Arms for stress cracks Monthly

Check torque values after ‘Break In’period of approximately 1000 to 3000 miles (1600 to 4800Km) and annually thereafter.

ComponentTorque (ft-lb)Torque (Nm)
Quick-Align pivot bolt (M24x3P, 8.8)442 600
Shock Absorber Bolts (M14x2P, 8.8)84 115
U-Bolt Nuts (5/8″UNF, Grade 8)120 163
Upper Air Spring Nuts (3/4″UNC, Grade 5)26 35
Lower Air Spring Nuts (3/8″UNC, Grade 5)26 35
Lower Air Sping Bracket Bolt (M10x1.5P, 10.9)48 65
Brake Chamber Mounting Nut100-110 136-149
S-Cam Support Bearing Mounting Nut35-45 47-61
Check Condition of Airbags Weekly

Check Trailing Arms for stress cracks Monthly

Check torque values after ‘Break In’period of approximately 1000 to 3000 miles (1600 to 4800Km) and annually thereafter.

ComponentTorque (ft-lb)Torque (Nm)
U-Bolt Nuts368-398 500-540
Torque Arm Nuts, 1″406-443 190-220
Adjustable Torque Arm Clamp Nuts, 5/8″295-310 170-205
Equalizer Bolt, 1″443-480 545-610
Retainer Bolt Nuts, 1/2″44-5295-110
Check Wheel Nuts Torque Settings450-500610-678
Check Outer Axle Nut Torque315-385427-521
Check Grease Cap for Tension

Check Bearing Grease every 12 Months

Check torque values after ‘Break In’period of approximately 1000 to 3000 miles (1600 to 4800Km) and annually thereafter.

ComponentTorque (ft-lb)Torque (Nm)
U-Bolt Nuts (5/8″ UNF, Grade 8)120163
Leaf Spring Eye Bolt (M20x2.5P, 8.8)265360
Rocker Hanger Bolt (M30x3.5P, 8.8)8851200
Rear Hanger Bolt Nuts (M16x2P, 8.8)7.5 10
Check Wheel Nuts Torque Settings450-500 610-678
Check Outer Axle Nut Torque315-385 427-521
Check Grease Cap for Tension

Check Bearing Grease every 12 Months

Check torque values after ‘Break In’period of approximately 1000 to 3000 miles (1600 to 4800Km) and annually thereafter.

Component Torque (ft-lb) Torque (Nm)
U-Bolt Nuts (5/8″UNF, Grade 8) 120  163
Leaf Spring Eye Bolt (M20x2.5P, 8.8)  265  360
Rocker Hanger Bolt (M24x3.5P, 8.8) 442 600
Rear Hanger Bolt Nuts (M16x2P, 8.8) 7.5  10
Check Wheel Nuts Torque Settings 90  122
Check Outer Axle Nut Torque 315-385  427-521
Check Grease Cap for Tension

Check Bearing Grease every 12 Months

Check torque values after ‘Break In’period of approximately 1000 to 3000 miles (1600 to 4800Km) and annually thereafter.

  • 10 Ton Axles (10 x 225 PCD, 8 x 275 PDC, 10 x 335 PCD)
    M22 x 1.5P (10.9) – 400-500 ft-lb (610-678 Nm)
  • 10 Ton Axles (20″ 6 Spoke Spider, 15″ 3 Spoke Spider)
    3/4″ UNC Gr.8 – 200-220 ft-lb (270-300 Nm)
  • 5 Ton Axles (Both Bud Nut & Flange Nut Pattern)
    M20 x 1.5P (10.9) – 332 ft-lb (450 Nm)
  • 3 Ton Axles (Both Electric and S-Cam Style)
    1/2″ UNF Gr.8 – 120 ft-lb (162 Nm)

General Information

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10 Ton Axle TN Bearing (15″ Spider, 19.5″ 275 x 8 Stud, 19.5″ 225 x 10 Stud)Download Now
10 Ton Axle Parallel Bearing (20″ Spider, 225 x 10 Stud, 285 x 10 Stud, 335 x 10 Stud)Download Now
10 Ton Disc Brake Axle 19.5″ with Cartridge Bearing (PAN19 Caliper)Download Now
5 Ton Axle TN Bearing (222 x 6 Stud)Download Now
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The maximum weight of a trailer is specified as either its Aggregate Trailer Mass (ATM) or Gross Trailer Mass (GTM).

ATM is the combined weight of the trailer and its full load when it is not coupled to a tow vehicle. GTM is the weight of the fully loaded trailer that is imposed o the trailers axle when it is coupled to the tow vehicle. GTM will always be less than ATM as some of the trailer weight is transferred to the tow vehicle when the trailer is coupled to it.

All new vehicles built since August 1989 are required to have a plate listing, amongst other things, the trailers Aggregate Trailer Mass, although some trailer plates will also show its Tare weight (the unladen weight of the trailer) and its GTM.
You must ensure the towing vehicle has sufficient capacity to tow the trailer when it is fully laden.

Gross Combination Vehicle Mass (where given) is the maximum allowable weight of the trailer, tow vehicle and the load in the tow vehicle and trailer (including passengers).

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